Sunday, July 11, 2004

you think you feel cooped up?
Social workers in Fiji are trying to rehabilitate a 32-year-old man who was raised by chickens after being locked in a chicken coop for years by his grandfather when his parents died. After escaping the boy was taken to a local hospital but no one knew how to treat him, so hospital workers locked him in a room, tied to his bed, for over 20 years. Doctors say he has no mental defects, but that he had imprinted with the chickens. 'He was perching, he was picking at his food, he was hopping around like a chicken. He'd keep his hands in a chicken-like fashion, and he'd make a noise like the calling of a chicken - which he still has', said one doctor, before adding, 'He has made remarkable progress and is now learning to walk and speak like a human, but unfortunately our main source of eggs has dried up'.