Wednesday, February 08, 2006

spam spam spam spam ...
What is it about spam? We can put a man on the moon, split the atom, clone a sheep, build a computer that can beat the world's greatest chess player, but we can't track down and arrest the handful of criminals - almost exclusively based in America - who systematically deluge our email systems with unsolicited crap. I get 100 spam emails a day minimum, usually many more, and I despair of finding a way of stopping them. I've tried reporting them to Spamcop - which merely confirms that the vast majority originate from a very few sources, but does little to prevent them, I've tried using Mailwasher and complicated filter systems, but nothing works. In the end I have to scan through all this rubbish just to make sure I'm not missing a genuine message from someone. And now I keep reading about how we're going to have to pay for email in future, as a way of preventing the spammers operating. A likely story, and one which I remember Bill Gates touting a few years ago as a solution to our spam woes. Well, if he has anything to do with it you can be sure there are big bucks to be made on it too.