Wednesday, August 31, 2005

recent news
Victoria Beckham claims she has never read a book - not even her own autobiography. Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Connelly says she likes to multi-task during sex with her husband: 'I like to read a book, and talk on the phone. If the room's dark enough I like do some online shopping. You can get so much done'. A Russian man who tried to sit university entrance exams for his sister was caught because his breasts were too big. 40,000 Catholics went to see a 5ft white marble statue of the Virgin Mary in Acerra, near Naples, which 'became flesh' and started to dance. Some witnesses photographed it with mobile phones. The parish priest says the church is closed while they count all the money tests are carried out on the statue.

Tests? Is there a crack team of Holy Statue Testers sitting around the Vatican in Papal lab coats ready to investigate inanimate objects that suddenly break into the hokey-cokey? And why on earth are they testing the statue rather than the witnesses?