Friday, January 23, 2004

we'd like to take you home with us
A Beatles fan who bought a life-size waxwork of Ringo Starr for £650 on eBay left the top half on the M25. Alex Dyke, from the Isle of Wight, hired a car and travelled to Kettering to collect it, but had to split it in two, putting the lower half on the back seat and the upper half in the boot. After fixing a puncture he drove away without the upper half. 'He was going to have pride of place in my living room,' said Alex, adding that Ringo was wearing 'a pink suit with gold braid, just like on the cover of Sergeant Pepper's. Now all I've got is the legs and pink trousers.'

footnote: I can't help feeling that for comic effect he should have had the upper half of the dummy propped up in the passenger seat for the journey home. Of course, that way he would only have left the legs and pink trousers at the side of the motorway.